About me

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I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.

Jan 3, 2009

where does the stuff go?

why can't i find my glasses? maybe they're under the stove. they've been missing now since july. i've tried to use the law of attraction by visualizing them found...seeing them on my face and making me look stylish. trying to feel the joy of what it's like to have them back.

the only thing that's happened so far is that i've lost more stuff! where the hell is my chap stick, my comb, my car rugs, my very cool columbia winter boots and my spoons? how does someone lose spoons? can anyone answer that?

okay, focusing too much on losing stuff. must focus on KEEPING stuff!

make more notes...post it notes....everywhere.

black board in utility room. calendar in kitchen. scheduler in cell phone. phone calls from mom.

put things back where they belong.

touch it once!

oh, and don't forget about the socks. somewhere on this earth or some parallel universe are little leprechauns running around wearing all my missing socks. they must look ridiculous. maybe it's the monkeys and not the green irish trolls. my 2 year old gran-baby seems to think there are monkeys at large.

i just want my glasses back. pleeeease universe please

*big big sigh"