About me

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I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.

Jan 19, 2009

home depot and retirement

it's been six months, count them, SIX; 1,2,3,4,5,6, since i've been lawfully employed in this great state of Michigan. damn. what have i been doing for six months? seems like i've been busy. oh hell, i can't even remember what day of the week it is anymore. except MARVIN days. Mondays from 1 to 2. no, sometimes i forget him too. i still can't find my glasses. i did, however, find my chap stick, of which Emmy got her little spider fingers on...and now it's gone again. the socks are still missing.

the biz is going, slooooooowly, but surely. we're getting ourselves out there at trade shows, via web site and face to face sales from the back of my bro's truck. good job, bro. everyone involved is excited. well, almost everyone. a lil glitch in the expectations of one threw us into our first family feud. can you guess why? yup, money. curses to the greenage! it seems i've been called out on the carpet as "controlling". hmm, the Hudson river pilot was controlling. good thing, eh? isn't it natural to be controlling? yes, indeed, i am controlling. doesn't mean im IN control though. but i digress.

i'm going to home depot this week barring any unforeseen depression that seems to hit me 10 to 100 times a week, resulting in dormancy, freeze mode, where i dare not venture outside nor do anything productive inside. anyhoo-hoo, home depot. home depot sounds good. i love the smell of their dirt coated floors and the fresh lumbar aroma is like apple pie. every one's in jeans, tennies, work boots, flannels. ah yes, flannels. daytime jammies. i always said i wanted to work at home depot when i retire. another fine example of "be careful of what you wish for". am i retired? is the universe confused about what i asked for? details, details, details. must be more detailed. i'm not retired, just re-routed. wish me luck (but don't forget the details!)

did i mention i went back to college?