About me

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I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.

Sep 27, 2010

lessons from a pseudo ritirement

something happened while i was "retired" for
two years
i got a chance to learn how to live with less
and realized how much more i had than i ever

time is precious
money is not
you just need enough of both to get by
at least into the next day
i finally figured out what "one day at a time" means

i learned that there are a lot better shows on tv
during the wee hours of the night than are on before

i appreciate my employer so much more
than i ever did before
i owe them, they don't owe me

i waded through hours in a 24 hour period
wondering what to do with myself
and now know that i didnt have to do anything
but just be

i wasted a lot of time on worry

ill never get that time back
no do-overs
but i learned i never want to put myself
through the waste again

i gained wisdom, patience, and humility
all necessary ingredients for growth

i mended relationships and ended others
accepting which were worthy of sustaining
and which were just never going to be sustainable

i learned some bad habits and some good

and i learned that time marches on regardless of
our situation or others'

i look in the mirror and see the wear on my face
i get up in the morning and feel the wear on my body
and can accept that both have aged

but like finely cared for grapes, in time they can
make some pretty damn good wine

i learned that no matter how good you are
some will always choose to just see your bad
no matter how much you give
some will always just take
no matter how strong we are
some will always remind us of our weaknesses

i learned that i am much loved, very loved in fact
but i cannot be loved by all

but it's my love that i have for those who are a
part of my immediate connection, life line, thread of hope
that makes me who i am and who i want to always be...

all that is possible, all that is good, all that is to be learned
mistakes, defects and the whole package...

i am

just me