my favorite movie is "imagine me and you". i've watched it over and over and over again, and then over more time. why? because i believe in love at first sight and this movie is all about that. plus, i have obsessive behavior
and i'm bored
and it takes my mind off things that i don't want to think about
plus the women are fantastically gorgeous!
its a lite love comedy. a lil serious overtone, but funny just the same. the supporting cast is terrific. you have to pay close attention to the dialogue cuz its a british film (sub-titles help) i feel sorry for Hec tho, the husband, but happy for Rach and Luce...anyway, the story is tastefully done in my opinion
i've experienced love at first sight once in my life thus far. i believe it can happen more than that. at least i hope so. i'll never forget the first time it happened to me. that moment. best feeling in the world. lots of people don't believe in it but i think it happens more than what we like to admit. its just, well, we don't get to act on it for whatever reason so we just deny it
some people confuse it with infatuation or lust. some people blame it on booze (okay, this one is valid). and there is nothing wrong with any of them. its just what we do or don't do with it that matters and determines whether we've actually looked into their soul or not
mirrored souls
love at first sight means that, well, at that first glance, that first look, you can't peel your eyes away from theirs, even though you know your staring, and you try to release your stare. and that first glance seems like an eternity yet it may only be 2 or 3 seconds
blissful eternity
after that, circumstances, personality, braveness, courage all come in to play as to whether or not you get to prove that it really was or is love
yes, i love love at first sight
i want to be in love again
i want to see my reflection in hers, see my rights and my wrongs. feel my own energy merging with hers, enveloping our physical presence, embracing our thoughts and forming words before they are spoken. unspoken language that is understood immediately
i want to spoon, hug, kiss, touch
i want to laugh and cry and be heard
i want to be guided and guide
i want to be in love again
imagine me and you
good luck to me and you