man, it's cold again
damn it, it's snowing again
what the hell!
comments from days in the mitten state
during winter months
not too long ago
cloaked in three layers of tops
darned in two layers of socks
one layer of deodorant
i hear things are blooming
quite beautifully in my home landscape
i ask on purpose of the news
needing updates on what critters are lurking
what birds have returned to their native
ice land, now transforming into a green wonderland
what soundtrack from mother nature is playing?
i imagine i am there
just close my eyes
sit under this fan that is swooshing above my head
out on the patio
out in the sweltering 100 plus temp
i hate the cold
despise the cold
prisoner of the cold
it's not cold here...or is it?
i forget i am the maker of my reality
easy to forget once you've lost your grip
stumbled down a path that i thought i wanted
thought i needed
green grass here but not for long
not with the blazin sun just waiting to dry up
every last drop that the golf has provided to date
green grass at home, but only for awhile, a short while
until the sun approaches the earth and lessons the warming
rays that reach the mitten coasts
everything relative
what you don't have you miss
what you do have we take for granted
what we want...not sure
three layers of deodorant so far today
it's hot
i'm going out to play