pen to paper. keys to encrypted codes. blahs to blog. i conceal my identity yet reveal my soul.
About me

- A lil info:
- I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.
Apr 1, 2009
what a day
packing; phone calls; laundry; 4am I shut my eyes. 7:30am phone call; grand baby girl sick, daughter needs help. bro has dreams of marketing our dream in Japan. grand baby can't keep anything down. daughter's toilet won't flush; bathroom needs cleaned. grand baby boy is smily. home; laundry from daughters soiled bedding from grand baby; nap time. awake. son is swearing in a text because he can't wake me from nap. grand baby girl going to emergency; son reluctantly goes to sit with grand baby boy until daddy comes home; other gramma sick but leaves her work to go with daughter to ER; I missed all this because I was napping. no plane tickets yet for sissy; I can help; some people still have jobs and are very busy; I can help; no problem. packing. cleaning. grand baby girl home; feeling better; phew. piston buddy arrives. son home from friends; straight to his room; don't see him much; 17. son hungry; no food; taco bell; they forget his nachos; I'm in dog house; nothing going right for him this week; his words; hormones; sadness; girls; resided to his room. pistons lost...again. daughters laundry is done. son says good night. piston buddy goes home. a mountain of garbage from unpacking home goes to curb. feed the cats. blog.