About me

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I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.

Oct 29, 2011

What the Hulk Must Feel Like

I've become cautious with my writing
Concerned about the masses
Concerned that I might disrespect someone
Like I'm that important

My life is changing...again
One more crutch tossed aside
Not tossed too far though
Just aside
Just out of reach
Toying with me
Like it's a game
A dual between my mind and a pack of cigarettes
Making me crazy

They say if you think you're crazy, most likely you are not
Crazy people don't know they are crazy
That's a good thing because I think I'm totally nuts lately!

Like the beginning of the end of my drinking I needed to adjust how I went about my daily activities
I needed to avoid the "triggers," which meant I needed to avoid everything and everyone!
No, that was not going to work
I planned my smoking, by the number, as if my life depended on it
Intertwined and on my mind 24/7
And now I was about to abruptly stop the only way i knew to function and go it alone,
cold turkey
what the fuck was I thinking.

When I finally quit, just over three months ago, it felt euphoric
I was so, sooo happy and proud of myself
I shouted it to world!  Ok, I shouted it mostly to my Mom.
(She is always extremely happy and supportive when I quit doing bad things to myself.  At least, she seems to be)

Yes!  I put down the smokes!  Yay, me!
I Cut off the 1000 lb ball of chain
Killed my slave master
Joined the ranks of the health conscious freaks (of which I lovingly referred to them in my addictions)

But, in order to stay quit, I knew I needed to do one thing...

Find a replacement addiction


Run, run, run, run,
Off to the store I went to buy some new kicks, new duds,
find my mp3 player and start running

a mile, then two, then 3, etc

My euphoria lasted about 3 weeks (even though I kept running and still do)
the excitement turned into depression, anxiety, edginess,
it was hard to be in my own skin
I imagined what it might have felt like when Bruce Banner turned into the Hulk

i'd finish a long run and be so happy that i just wanted to reward myself...with a cigarette
light that shit right up
take a deep drag and let the burn of the smoke crossing my throat and
down into my lungs praise my accomplishment
bringing me that calm that had been missing in the last weeks.

"no," i told myself and continued to tell myself
and with every "no" i continued to become more and more frustrated as the days went on

run some more, was the answer
I started signing up for every 5k run i could find on the weekends
run some more
avoid cleaning the house, doing laundry, cooking meals,
seeing your family
avoid it all and just run
run until the ache of wanting is gone
run until the desire to harm myself is no longer a feeling but just a distant thought
that i can control, turn on and off like a light switch
run until you're so tired that all you want to do is sleep
pass the days
add time to the calendar marking each day that i left that dreadful, disgusting habit behind


and so i did

i ran from everything and everybody --- 

3 months later

people miss me that i avoided, intentionally and unintentionally
i miss me
i'm tired of being tired
i'm tired of being frustrated and angry

they say it's 6 months of hell until you feel normal again
(i'm not sure what normal is since i've been an addict my entire life, giving up one bad thing at a time)
I've got 3 more to go

so, to those i have offended, hurt, avoided, etc., please know how sorry i am
please know that i am doing this to better myself
please know this is harder than when i quit drinking
please know that i have to change in order to move on and
do some things that i have always wanted to do
please know that as long as i am physically able
i will keep running, because it's what makes me happy

however, i will try to find some balance between running and life

i'm turning 50 next month
i've raised my kids
grown my career
seen some very hard times
been through some very hard struggles
it's my time

eventually the hulk will be silenced