or quirky films. but in truth, they are most likely inspired by
real life events and experiences
i'll never be a proponent of war or violence for
violence never solves anything. ever.
but...i understand why young men and woman go
in to the military as i understand passion, dreams and having goals.
i, myself, cannot function without them. and i understand that a military
is necessary on so many levels that could not possibly be covered in any
number of philosophy classes.
still, my son, daughter, niece, nephew, brother, sister, or friend, in
the service does not resonate as a memory i would choose to make part
of my story. however, it happens. and when it does, i support them...
and pray for them.
why am i talking about this? because my nephew is leaving for the Marines
within the next 24 hours. i am both worried and very proud. whatever his
reasons for doing so, there is no turning back now. just before he boards
that plane for California, he will have at his side, saying good bye to him, his
3 year old daughter, Layla (they call her "Love").
3 year olds are not dumb. oh, no. they are very intuitive, smart and resilient to
say the least. I ask her Grandmother (my sister) if Layla's Mommy and Daddy
talked to her about him leaving for long periods at a time and, if so, how she
processed the information she received. after all, she loves her Daddy like no
other. just look at the photos on his social network page and you can see.
she told me, "yes, they did. Layla tells everyone now that her 'Daddy is going
to be a soldier and I am going to be his Princess.'
tears welled in my eyes
a fairy tale at its roots
a love story unfolding
yes, he may be going off to be a soldier, but i think him to be more like a
champion. i know in my heart that little girl will always truly be his Princess.
his Princess by choice, by conviction, by pure and natural love. because,
you see, he doesn't have to stay connected to her, but he wants to.
he loves his Love. in my book, he is a very special Daddy and a very special soldier.

i was born to be a great man
i was born to become a Marine...
but most of all, i was born through the eyes of my Princess
Thank you, Kyle, for protecting our country and your daughter.