so i come home from work the other evening and decided after
much procrastination...well, really not procrastinating. more like
standing around staring at the adjacent rooms surrounding me...
that i would vacuum the carpet. there were autumn leaves scattered
how do they get in here?
do i really come in and out of the house that much?
do i leave the door open that long to allow the blustery
winds of fall to escort them in via flight?
maybe they stick to my footwear (or socks) but
wouldn't you think that i would notice them crunchy
beneath my feet or just feel them as simply foreign objects?
however they get from the trees to my living floor
makes no difference. the fact is that they don't belong in
the house. and they've been there for too many days already.
dry, brown, dead foliage, sometimes mistaken for scary little varmints
out of the corner of my eye
so, i pull out the vacuum. the Dyson. the super sucker.
the one with a wind tunnel container, hydraulic hoses and a 3.6 liter
engine that requires a large amount of electricity to run.
ok. i know that makes no sense, the engine part, but that's what
it sounds like when i flip the switch and start that 20 pound
yellow brick of a tool. and its not the one with the wheel so
that bitch is heavy to push!
i'm vacuuming. the cats scatter from fright but not
before leaving behind toffs of hair during their escape,
now added to the pile of leaves
im vacuuming over the leaves, breaking them into teeny tiny
pieces as i run them over because they are too big whole to fit
under the nose of the yellow (over rated) tool.
then im down on my knees shoving them up the sucker nose,
lifting the front sometimes because the tool is just pushing them
around in front of it, even the teeny tiny pieces
up and down
back and forth i push
i get to the other side of the living room and i feel a tug
damn it. the chord is tangled. this is a problem which has, for some
unknown reason, irritated me
i freeze in thought. motor still revving. just a few more square feet
of the carpet left to finish. i don't want to walk back the twenty-feet
and untangle the mess of chord
maybe if i just tug a little more...flip the chord up a little like
swinging a jump rope. gently. easy. i work on this for 5 minutes...
snap! the chord ejects from the outlet on the wall,
hits the kitchen chair,
ricochets across the table top,
knocks over a glass of water
and then strikes the plant on the stand next to the chair
spilling most of its contents onto the hard wood floor.
the engine whines down slowly and comes to a complete stop
twenty feet
i hate those leaves
pen to paper. keys to encrypted codes. blahs to blog. i conceal my identity yet reveal my soul.
About me

- A lil info:
- I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.
Oct 22, 2010
Oct 16, 2010
the photo
"let's play who can be the quietest for the longest time", she said with exuberance beaming across her face. those words along with that big smile and those vibrant blue eyes created a frenzy of excitement amongst us siblings
a clan of eight in total, all ranging from the ages of two to seventeen at the time
we were gathered in the kitchen. some of us standing, others sitting around the oval, white topped hand crafted table our father had made to suit our needs at feast gatherings. the littlest one, crawling around on the floor
"ok, ready? go!" she instructed.
just seconds later, someone giggled
which started a chain reaction of giggles,
then outbursts of chatter, and then someone saying, "now what game are we gonna play?"
she really didn't think this was gonna work did she?
a ploy to calm the chaos and noise of her unruly brothers and sisters while she was in charge of us for the night, the folks out getting their much needed break from the repercussions of having so many damn kids
she just laughed right along with us and we continued creating a ruckus amongst her
nothing unusual
she never let us know how distressed she really was. it's just not her
from the moment i entered her life i was hers
without question and without void of responsibility
she didn't have to love me
but she HAD to love me
the photo on my profile is of she and i
a newborn placed in five year old arms
just look and you can see
she held me while holding back her own fears
sheltering me from the chaos that existed
and that which would ensue
the early years consisted of both laughter and tears
she would go out of her way to make the holidays special by being creative
we'd make tinfoil chains and popcorn garland together to hang on the tree
during cold nights she made sure me and my younger sister was covered and warm
and if we couldn't sleep she would place her feet on the icy steel framed foot board and push creating a gigantic cradle, rocking us and singing until we well asleep
she was the oldest and with that came the falloff of young parents going through their own trials and tribulations
she was our second mom
nurturing and loving in every way
but better than a mom because she only had us
to concentrate on, so it seemed
my sister eventually left us for reasons of natural rights of passage that come with graduating from high school and turning eighteen
and other reasons that were incited by an overbearing, accusatory and belligerent father who never showed anything other than his disapproval of our existence
she moved on to marry
she moved on to erase the pain and worry over what we had all gone through and what those left behind would still have to experience in this dysfunctional family
but she never moved on from us,
from me
she had her own children eventually and raised them how she would have wanted to be raised
how she raised her sibling children
to this day she is the still the quite one in the background
watching, checking in, providing caring words of support
in a voice so soft, so sweet and so without judgment
and so unlike what she was taught
just the other day we were talking about my employer and their uncaring tactics of getting something for nothing
she said, "they just don't know how much you are worth!"
well, they might not know, but i do
she reminds me everyday
just look at the photo
a clan of eight in total, all ranging from the ages of two to seventeen at the time
we were gathered in the kitchen. some of us standing, others sitting around the oval, white topped hand crafted table our father had made to suit our needs at feast gatherings. the littlest one, crawling around on the floor
"ok, ready? go!" she instructed.
just seconds later, someone giggled
which started a chain reaction of giggles,
then outbursts of chatter, and then someone saying, "now what game are we gonna play?"
she really didn't think this was gonna work did she?
a ploy to calm the chaos and noise of her unruly brothers and sisters while she was in charge of us for the night, the folks out getting their much needed break from the repercussions of having so many damn kids
she just laughed right along with us and we continued creating a ruckus amongst her
nothing unusual
she never let us know how distressed she really was. it's just not her
from the moment i entered her life i was hers
without question and without void of responsibility
she didn't have to love me
but she HAD to love me
the photo on my profile is of she and i
a newborn placed in five year old arms
just look and you can see
she held me while holding back her own fears
sheltering me from the chaos that existed
and that which would ensue
the early years consisted of both laughter and tears
she would go out of her way to make the holidays special by being creative
we'd make tinfoil chains and popcorn garland together to hang on the tree
during cold nights she made sure me and my younger sister was covered and warm
and if we couldn't sleep she would place her feet on the icy steel framed foot board and push creating a gigantic cradle, rocking us and singing until we well asleep
she was the oldest and with that came the falloff of young parents going through their own trials and tribulations
she was our second mom
nurturing and loving in every way
but better than a mom because she only had us
to concentrate on, so it seemed
my sister eventually left us for reasons of natural rights of passage that come with graduating from high school and turning eighteen
and other reasons that were incited by an overbearing, accusatory and belligerent father who never showed anything other than his disapproval of our existence
she moved on to marry
she moved on to erase the pain and worry over what we had all gone through and what those left behind would still have to experience in this dysfunctional family
but she never moved on from us,
from me
she had her own children eventually and raised them how she would have wanted to be raised
how she raised her sibling children
to this day she is the still the quite one in the background
watching, checking in, providing caring words of support
in a voice so soft, so sweet and so without judgment
and so unlike what she was taught
just the other day we were talking about my employer and their uncaring tactics of getting something for nothing
she said, "they just don't know how much you are worth!"
well, they might not know, but i do
she reminds me everyday
just look at the photo
Oct 11, 2010
the weakness in me
sometimes, i think (analyze) about why im
feeling a particular way
i proclaim this to be normal
so, i decided for this post i would write about
my weaknesses
im not talkin about weaknesses like the inability to refuse
two or three...okay, maybe more, pieces of my sisters homemade
cinnamon rolls. with all that brown sugar crystallized between each layer, filling
an entire house with its "im over here" aroma; topped off with rich vanilla
icing which drips down the sides of each soft, gooey, luscious roll, spilling over
and down between each finger as i shove them into my mouth like i've never eaten before...ever
or not being able to lift a 30 pound pail of cat litter and carry it
two flights to the basement and then walk back up the what feels like
four flights now
im not referring to my addiction to alcohol that has been in remission
for years though never leaves my thoughts for too long due to constant
reminders by people, places and things
and im certainly not thinking about my inability to say no when it comes
to someone needing help, needing something that would make them feel better
little things mostly, but some time
or when a kitty needs a home and im already at cat lady status...
but i take them anyway
the weakness in me, is the weakness in you
you that gets the raw deal
you that can't catch a break
or maybe is having a string of bad luck
you that gets picked on, belittled
you that is judged without having committed a crime
not a crime of law, at least
you that gets treated by your "better half" like you are the
sole reason for their unhappiness...and you stay anyway
you that can't see how special you are, how unique you are
and how you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect
because that's how you treat others
you that doesn't quite fit the bill according to the majority
or according to your own perceptions based on lies
you that takes to heart negative comments by someone
incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions or
without regard for anyone else's feelings but their own
you, that won't give up regardless of any of these things
i soak it up
breath it in and wrap my arms around it
try to find ways to ease your pain, your burden
make you feel worthy or just give you a small break from
the madness
sometimes i don't even know you at all
never met you
but i hurt anyway
sucks the energy right out of me
i listen, i feel, i retreat deeper within myself
i concluded that the weakness in me is the weakness in you
and that the weakness in you is
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