it's been six months, count them, SIX; 1,2,3,4,5,6, since i've been lawfully employed in this great state of Michigan. damn. what have i been doing for six months? seems like i've been busy. oh hell, i can't even remember what day of the week it is anymore. except MARVIN days. Mondays from 1 to 2. no, sometimes i forget him too. i still can't find my glasses. i did, however, find my chap stick, of which Emmy got her little spider fingers on...and now it's gone again. the socks are still missing.
the biz is going, slooooooowly, but surely. we're getting ourselves out there at trade shows, via web site and face to face sales from the back of my bro's truck. good job, bro. everyone involved is excited. well, almost everyone. a lil glitch in the expectations of one threw us into our first family feud. can you guess why? yup, money. curses to the greenage! it seems i've been called out on the carpet as "controlling". hmm, the Hudson river pilot was controlling. good thing, eh? isn't it natural to be controlling? yes, indeed, i am controlling. doesn't mean im IN control though. but i digress.
i'm going to home depot this week barring any unforeseen depression that seems to hit me 10 to 100 times a week, resulting in dormancy, freeze mode, where i dare not venture outside nor do anything productive inside. anyhoo-hoo, home depot. home depot sounds good. i love the smell of their dirt coated floors and the fresh lumbar aroma is like apple pie. every one's in jeans, tennies, work boots, flannels. ah yes, flannels. daytime jammies. i always said i wanted to work at home depot when i retire. another fine example of "be careful of what you wish for". am i retired? is the universe confused about what i asked for? details, details, details. must be more detailed. i'm not retired, just re-routed. wish me luck (but don't forget the details!)
did i mention i went back to college?
pen to paper. keys to encrypted codes. blahs to blog. i conceal my identity yet reveal my soul.
About me

- A lil info:
- I am many things to many different people. I have few titles and fewer awards but I am complete in all that I have accomplished. My most precious of all gifts does not belong to me yet I love as if. You may know me, but you'll never really know me because I cannot be anything more than what you want to see even though I am everything I need to be.
Jan 19, 2009
Jan 3, 2009
where does the stuff go?
why can't i find my glasses? maybe they're under the stove. they've been missing now since july. i've tried to use the law of attraction by visualizing them found...seeing them on my face and making me look stylish. trying to feel the joy of what it's like to have them back.
the only thing that's happened so far is that i've lost more stuff! where the hell is my chap stick, my comb, my car rugs, my very cool columbia winter boots and my spoons? how does someone lose spoons? can anyone answer that?
okay, focusing too much on losing stuff. must focus on KEEPING stuff!
make more it notes....everywhere.
black board in utility room. calendar in kitchen. scheduler in cell phone. phone calls from mom.
put things back where they belong.
touch it once!
oh, and don't forget about the socks. somewhere on this earth or some parallel universe are little leprechauns running around wearing all my missing socks. they must look ridiculous. maybe it's the monkeys and not the green irish trolls. my 2 year old gran-baby seems to think there are monkeys at large.
i just want my glasses back. pleeeease universe please
the only thing that's happened so far is that i've lost more stuff! where the hell is my chap stick, my comb, my car rugs, my very cool columbia winter boots and my spoons? how does someone lose spoons? can anyone answer that?
okay, focusing too much on losing stuff. must focus on KEEPING stuff!
make more it notes....everywhere.
black board in utility room. calendar in kitchen. scheduler in cell phone. phone calls from mom.
put things back where they belong.
touch it once!
oh, and don't forget about the socks. somewhere on this earth or some parallel universe are little leprechauns running around wearing all my missing socks. they must look ridiculous. maybe it's the monkeys and not the green irish trolls. my 2 year old gran-baby seems to think there are monkeys at large.
i just want my glasses back. pleeeease universe please
*big big sigh"
Jan 2, 2009
and then the innocent one arrives
amongst all the chaos. the holiday festivities, gatherings, quarrels and sibling rivalry. regardless of income or social status. parental age or maturity matters not. he arrives. a little bundle of love. hope. innocence. he arrives. at the dawning of the last day of 2008. a tax write off.
grand baby number 4. a boy. wow.
the universe has spoken. he has chosen this life. his parents. his journey. what is my role? he will let me know.
who does he look like? his mommy? his daddy. his savant sister? he has angelina jolie lips. bonus. he looks like himself.
memories flood to the surface.
baby cries
baby cries
poopy diapers
take my breath away type love
if only i had awakened back when my babies arrived. i'd had viewed things much differently. with much more patience. much more understanding. no accidents. just deliberate creation and co-creation.
all things have a reason
welcome, little man, welcome to earth
grand baby number 4. a boy. wow.
the universe has spoken. he has chosen this life. his parents. his journey. what is my role? he will let me know.
who does he look like? his mommy? his daddy. his savant sister? he has angelina jolie lips. bonus. he looks like himself.
memories flood to the surface.
baby cries
baby cries
poopy diapers
take my breath away type love
if only i had awakened back when my babies arrived. i'd had viewed things much differently. with much more patience. much more understanding. no accidents. just deliberate creation and co-creation.
all things have a reason
welcome, little man, welcome to earth
Jan 1, 2009
so many turkeys, so many answers
so my neighbor asks me, one day last summer, if i've seen the turkeys yet this year. there is a family of them, of couple families that wonder about our "literally" 20 acre woods (the cuddly wuddly fluffed with stuff pooh critter is not the only one who lives near 20 acres ***i never could remember that song....or the tiggers bounce tune....hmmm***).
i say "not yet" and he continues by claiming they nest in the trees and he's found their nest.
it's winter now and i've shared this information with any wiling and non-willing listener, when the subject of turkeys came up, of course, ever since. i get excited when i learn something new. anything new. okay, not anything...just good anything, especially regarding my backyard furry and feathery frenz.
(a challenge)
then, after sharing my new found story one more time, i get a quizzical look...from an elderly woman who is worldly and wisest of wisest persons (whom i just KNEW would be particullary interested in my new bit of wildlife factuals). a challenge. no one has challenged my story to date. turkeys nest in trees. the question: "how do the babies get down?". hmmm. how DO the little birdlets get down from the tree without breaking their bum? i don't know. didn't have an answer for that one. no matter. i'm satisfied with my story as such. besides, he found the nest. he saw it with his own eyes. in our neck of the woods. it's gotta be right. right?
(i learn the truth)
she continues: 'according to some "ol timers" turkeys don't "nest" in the trees. they sleep in the trees. they nest or lay eggs on the ground'.
(choice of words...."nest", "sleep"?)
i'm still curious so i take it to the number one source of all information, all truths, non-questionable and 100% factual explanations and "for sures"...
the answer: turkeys "nest" on the ground, they sleep in trees.
google...keeping stories on the up and up for years to come
i say "not yet" and he continues by claiming they nest in the trees and he's found their nest.
it's winter now and i've shared this information with any wiling and non-willing listener, when the subject of turkeys came up, of course, ever since. i get excited when i learn something new. anything new. okay, not anything...just good anything, especially regarding my backyard furry and feathery frenz.
(a challenge)
then, after sharing my new found story one more time, i get a quizzical look...from an elderly woman who is worldly and wisest of wisest persons (whom i just KNEW would be particullary interested in my new bit of wildlife factuals). a challenge. no one has challenged my story to date. turkeys nest in trees. the question: "how do the babies get down?". hmmm. how DO the little birdlets get down from the tree without breaking their bum? i don't know. didn't have an answer for that one. no matter. i'm satisfied with my story as such. besides, he found the nest. he saw it with his own eyes. in our neck of the woods. it's gotta be right. right?
(i learn the truth)
she continues: 'according to some "ol timers" turkeys don't "nest" in the trees. they sleep in the trees. they nest or lay eggs on the ground'.
(choice of words...."nest", "sleep"?)
i'm still curious so i take it to the number one source of all information, all truths, non-questionable and 100% factual explanations and "for sures"...
the answer: turkeys "nest" on the ground, they sleep in trees.
google...keeping stories on the up and up for years to come
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